Dr. Walter A. Frank
From technical point of view, the author of this fascinating book has made possible
for the westerners to understand Ayurveda. ....A fascinatingly complete
representation of Ayurveda- a highly recommended book! Pharma Marketing Journal
All the methods and recipes in this book are made understandable and feasible
and they are also for the Westerners. Natur-Heilpraxis
The special thing about this Ayurveda self-help book is that each reader can
understand his individual nature and sensitivities and can clearly serve to
the individual needs.... Khushwant Singh in The Tribune ...there is still a lurking suspicion that ayurveda, yunani and
homeopathy are not scientific: only allopathy is. How unfair this assumption
is I learnt after reading Dr. Verma’s Ayurveda: A Way of Life.
On Kamasutra for Women
Tanze, Vienna
Kamasutra for Women, written by a woman, an Indian, cell biologist,
neurobiologist as well as an Ayurvedic doctor, is a powerful, good, noble,
daring and audacious piece of work. ...This book is good, noble, intellectual
and gives food for thought. VHK Volksheilkunde
This book is much more than what is commonly associated in the West and
understood by Kamasutra. Rupert Sheldrake
Sheds a completely new light on the Kamasutra! |